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Ahh Communication...Where will we be without it!

Updated: Sep 12, 2018

Communication can be defined in many ways. It's one of those topics that seem so simple on the surface but is actually a lot more complicated as you go deeper into it. This post merely compares my experience with communication inside my communication class to other classes that have nothing to do with communication.....or so I thought. Keep scrolling for my thoughts this is just a synopsis :} Is that a word!

Okay so before I actually get into it, let me just take a moment to say I can't believe I actually created a blog. OH MYYYY GOSH! OHH MY GOSSSHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I've been wanting to create and go public with a blog for a while now. There's probably a whole bunch of unfinished blog setups all over the internet because of me :)::::. Any who ( read this in your best British accent) lets carry on shall we!

Communication What is It?...and where can I find it?

If someone asked me a few days ago (you know... the days before I started my communication class) 'what is communication?' I would look them square in the eyes and say very boldly that it is simply the way we communicate.

Communication as discussed in my intro to communications class is " in a very broad sense to include all the procedures by which one mind may affect another. This, of course, involves not only written and oral speech, but also music, the pictorial arts, the theatre, the ballet, and in fact all human behavior. In some connections it may be desirable to use a still broader definition on communication, namely, one which would include the procedures by means of which one mechanism (say automatic equipment to track an airplane and compute its probable future positions) affects another mechanism (say a guided missile chasing this airplane)."

Connections of Communication to my other classes

Soooo if that definition was too long for you, you didn't get it, or just didn't bother to read all of it...don't worry I'm going to simplify it for you. So basically communication in the most simplified form is the way we deliver messages to each other. Let's take a look outside of my communication class and its textbook definition of communication and take a look at the world outside my communication class shall we. Well for the first week of my Linguistics course I learned this really interesting fact that children can acquire language in a very short period of time. That language is generally "in place" by the ages of three to five. To me it was so interesting to know that children who don't know how to tie their own laces or even calculate math could produce various constructions of sentences that would be too difficult for any adult learning to speak their language for the first time. This showed the biological importance of communication in the human body. That before a child could learn to do anything the first thing they acquire is communication. This to me put a huge importance on communication in the lives of humans. It showed how much we really need communication and its value in our relationship with others. In my Anthropology course I learned that language which is a form of communication is apart of culture. And that this form of communication can be used to identify groups. Those inside the groups use their language to communicate with those within the group and exclude any one outside of the group. In this instance I learned that communication can be used to both include, exclude and identify certain groups of people.

Sometimes you communicate things unconsciously.

Moving on to my Art History course, in this course I learned that communication can not only be verbal but can also be pictorial. The important thing to remember about art history is that you don't necessarily create art, you analyze it. I learned that different artists use different mediums and ways of expression communicate in different ways. As an art historian your job is to use the materials presented to you by the artist and analyze those materials to gain understanding of what the artist was trying to communicate. Other ways in which we can communicate with each other can include the way we dress our tone of voice when we speak and our body language.

All in all I didn't think that the material I learned in my communication course would present it self to me in other forms in my other classes buttttttttt..... it did, so I guess I will be getting an A+ in all my classes this semester. Hope you learned something from my blog if not thanks for listening (or should I say reading) anyways..... BTW how was everyone's day?! I just realized:).. that I was the only one doing ALL the talking. Tell me in the comments about a time when you just knew that you were going to pass all of your classes. Or even your experience(s) with communication... did you think it could be this complicated and prevalent in all of our lives. Don't be shy! Leave a comment.... I'll be waiting,


The Weirdo Potatoe (Makeda Peters)

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